2 Months without your favorite attraction to experience at Disneyland

Every now and then, Disney will shut down your favorite ride for refurbishment. For some, it dampers the visit because they won't have their favorite ride open during their visit. To me, it changes up how I do things. Indiana Jones has been closed in Adventureland for 2 months already so it was spared of the Spring Break crowds while it does some show enhancements and the usual fixes on everything. I'm a huge fan of this ride, going as far as keeping count how many times I ride it. While its a bummer, I know that its for the best as Indy usually needs refurbs a lot. The past 2 months i've been going to Disneyland Mon-Fri after my classes on those days as a way to kill time and it was spent mostly chatting with my Cast Member friends and Mickey and the Magical Map (until recently when it went dark for 3 weeks starting this week). I can't wait to explore the Temple of the Forbidden Eye once again and Journey to Imagination in Mickey and the Magical Map soon.

If I didn't have those 2, I wouldn't have survived these past few weeks without my favorite ride. Then again, its funny when people look at the rides refurb walls that says "The Journey Continues Spring 2014" and complain that its spring already. Oh those people.


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