Frozen and the impact it has left on the Disney Community

For the first time in forever, Disney has made a successful animated tale that carries the Disney spirit. Based on the tale of "The Snow Queen" Frozen continues the well known Disney storytelling that the studio is known for.

When I first heard of Frozen, I wasn't too sure of it since the first few trailers made it look like a Dreamworks flick. But then its other trailers finally convinced me as well as Demi's cover of "Let it Go" that this was a film that I will surely love.

I saw Frozen on opening night and I instantly fell in love with the movie! In the weeks following its release into theaters, the movie soared to the #1 spot in the box office and went on to shatter records and become one of the best animated films in history.

It didn't just end with the movie, its success went on to merchandising. Even 2 months after the release of the film on home video, the toys, books and clothing have all sold out a lot in every store, causing Disney to scramble trying to fill the shelves as the merch comes off the shelves.

The song "Let it Go" is also one of Disney's most successful songs. The song has resonated in everyone that has had struggles and has inspired them to do as the title suggests. The song went on to be covered by many and even won an Oscar! Disney has recently released a soundtrack that has all international versions of the song.

What does this mean for Disney? It means that Disney has found themselves again by going back to what they are known for: Adapting a classic and adding in Disney magic! The new "Disney Renaissance" has begun.


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